Juan Manuel Domínguez Osorio

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.
-Vince Lombardi

A photo of me and my father during a family celebration

About Me

Hello!, welcome to my page. I am a Computer Science in Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia. In my academic interest's you will find software development and informatics security. I have worked as a student assistant in the software architecture course during the first semester of 2018.

In my personal interests you will find sports, history and science fiction. Currently, I practice soccer and shotokan karate, in the future I would like to try boxing and rugby aswell. My favourite historical character is Muhammad Ali. Finally, my favourite science fiction saga is Star Wars.

My Skills


Logo of Los Andes university, a black tree in a yellow background

I started studying in Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá Colombia in 2015. Currently i'm pursuing a major in computer engineering.

A donut-like figure made with a network that contains different elements like cellphones and computers. The title reads Internet of things

Currently I am working as a teaching assistant in the Software Achitecture course. The purpose of this course is to develop achitecture design skills, and to learn basic concepts about IoT.

A logo made with a black computer in a white background. The computer screen is also white.

I also have experience developing different areas, like transactional systems, basic web development, and as i mentioned before Iot solutions.
